"All in this together"

All in this together - Mererid Velios
All in this together - Mererid Velios
All in this together - Mererid Velios
All in this together - Mererid Velios
All in this together - Mererid Velios
All in this together (detail) - Mererid Velios
All in this together (wallpaper detail) - Mererid Velios

Taking inspiration from an innovative council estate built in 1949 (the Spa Green Estate by Berthold Lubetkin) this work examines the fate of many social housing schemes, where tenants have been displaced by private owners or middle-class renters. Renovation of a building followed by a 'renovation' of its inhabitants? All in the best possible taste.

The wall installation is based on the floor-plan of a 2-bed flat in Wells House (one of the three buildings that make up the Spa Green Estate). Each 'room' is filled with samples of materials suggestive of how stores and interior design magazines display samples for comparison, and the way consumers collate and compare samples at home. The patterns seen in some rooms are also a further reference to middle class taste in interior design.

The first tenants were given a handbook with information about the building and rules about living there, such as no hanging washing on balconies (there is a dedicated area for this on the roof). I decided to hang photos, past and present, of the building on a washing line in reference to this, but also to call to mind a well known phrase; far from being 'all in this together', many of us were 'hung out to dry'.